MCom in Economics – Explore Opportunities

Mcom in economics is a 2-year degree course for students wanting to pursue a commerce career and want to deal with the economy, trade, tax, revenue, capital, etc.

When a student finishes his BCom, one plans to go for further studies and at that time, choosing an MCom in Economics was one of the most favorable decisions that one may take. However, numerous commerce courses are available after completing BCom. Further, if you have a keen interest in Economics, you should pursue further […]

MCom in Taxation – Career and Eligibility

MCom in Taxation is a 2 year PG course that deals with Finance and taxation.

MCom in taxation is a good choice for your career as it focuses on basic concepts of the Income Tax Act. Many paths for your future career open up through this, allowing you to settle down with a good income. Moreover, the MCom in taxation subjects include Tax Authorities and Tribunal, Scope of total revenue and Residential […]



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