MCA in Cybersecurity

MCA in Cybersecurity is a 2-year postgraduate program. Cybersecurity program covers the security needed for software, hardware, network and data of a company from potential cyber-attacks.  

Additionally, the program provides a comprehensive understanding of the goals, concepts and methods of information security. 

In addition to gaining practical knowledge of Cybersecurity, network security and SDLC, students after an MCA in Cybersecurity will gain a fundamental understanding of data structures, advanced computer networks and virtualization, and concepts of ethical hacking, VOIP security, and safety threats. 

The program covers many latest technologies, software and practices that help secure systems, data and networks from cyber threats, malware, and unauthorized access. The program also covers creating processes and practices to keep the company resources safe.

ShikshaGurus Methodology of curating the courses

At ShikshaGurus, you can discover a variety of online and distance learning courses from top Indian universities. Further, our team of experts select only universities with UGC approval. On this platform, you can quickly check out your desired course, compare it with similar courses from other top universities, and eventually choose the most suitable course-university based on all available options.

Top Universities Offering MCA in Cybersecurity 

  1. MCA in Cybersecurity From Jain University, Bangalore
  2. MCA in Cybersecurity at Vignan University

Top Career Options after MCA in Cybersecurity 

After completing the course, candidates are eligible for several career opportunities. Hence, here is the list of some of the career options:

  • Cybersecurity Analyst: A Cybersecurity Analyst identifies and monitors an organization’s weaknesses and the tools needed to correct them. Also, a cybersecurity analyst addresses any damage caused to the organization in case of any cyber attack. 
  • Security Architect: A security architect makes a new safety system by understanding the needs and carefully designing its main parts. A candidate with an MCA in Cybersecurity is well-equipped and prepared for a job like this.
  • Security Software Developer: A security software developer’s job is to create protection programs, including tools for monitoring. Also, they are responsible for ensuring the safety of utility programming.
  • Security Engineer: In simpler terms, a Security Engineer’s job involves finding and dealing with security problems. They also keep an eye on security events and data analysis. 

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Price Range

₹0 - ₹300000


Education Mode

Certificate Type

NAAC Grade

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